Friday, June 1, 2012

Bender Bending Rodriguez

I thought I'd start my blog by sharing some of my past crochet projects. I've been crocheting most of my life, but until I got involved in a doll making contest at, I had never crocheted a doll before. I was instantly addicted! was my home-on-the-internet for years. I'm still a member. I compete in photo manipulation, multimedia, illustration, writing and photography contests there. I consider myself a highly creative gal, but W1K and its members are the cream of the creative crop, so to speak! Being involved there sparks my creativity like nothing else.

This little guy was an entry in the first "plushie" multimedia contest a few years ago. We were to take a member's username or alter ego and plush-ify it. Bender was the alter ego for a fellow Worthian, so this is dedicated to him.

I found the pattern in a web search but I made a few alterations.

For one, I wanted the stripes on the limbs to match up, so I joined at the end of every round. I may have modified the fingers and feet some too, I don't remember. I mailed the little bot to my friend it was made for, so I don't have any reference but the pics seen here. It took some balancing, but he's standing on his own, with no support.

I've been hooked on crocheting dolls ever since. And after making him and getting the basics of amigurumi and shaping down, I rarely use references or patterns anymore. In fact, I entered three other dolls in the same contest for which I used no pattern - it was just straight from my imagination of how the member's username should be interpreted.

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